We Need Your Support!

While many people know that the Regal is a much treasured part of the Minehead community, not everyone is aware that it’s also a registered charity (number 1052714).

Box Office revenue alone does not meet the costs of putting on over 150 quality performances a year, maintaining a 90 year old building, and being able to achieve all of our ambitions for the future – it is a real challenge.

A Pantomime at The Regal Theatre

This can only be made possible through vital additional support from individuals, trusts and foundations and community group support.

Discover some of the ways you can you show your support for The Regal and help to ensure it has a bright and secure future.

Become a 90th Anniversary Ambassador

In 2024 The Regal Theatre will be celebrating its 90th anniversary from when it opened on the 2nd July 1934. To help us celebrate this special occasion, you could play your own role by becoming an Anniversary Ambassador.

A Pantomime at The Regal Theatre
01643 706430 | [email protected]